Strong Yet Safe Jute Puppy Sleeve for Amstaff Bite Work
Do you want to get your dog used to bite both arms? Have you already found proper dog equipment for such kind of training?
If no, choose this perfect Amstaff puppy sleeve for basic bite work. It can be the first gear for training your little furry friend and you will surely be satisfied with the result, your doggie achieve. Top-quality materials and a soft surface of the product will guarantee his safe introduction to this activity.
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Natural Jute Puppy Sleeve for Amstaff with Wall Hang Loop
Durable Jute Amstaff Puppy Sleeve with Smooth Surface
Key features of this Amstaff Sleeve: - 100% dog-friendly materials
- Water-proof basic material
- Abvanced bite surface for puppies
- Gentle interior
- Outside round handle
- Inside padded hard handle
- Massive D-ring under handle
- Durable wall hang loop
| Intended use of this Amstaff Sleeve: - Introduction to bite work with sleeve
- Working on bite drive
- Playing with your dog to get your puppy into bite game
Now, when your Amstaff puppy is active and full of energy pet, he needs to get used to basic training. And there is a real challenge for you to find harmless and suitable dog equipment that will not hurt him during his first experience in bite work.
This model of puppy sleeve is made especially for such purpose. Made of high-quality materials, this pet product has no dangerous or harmful elements that may injure your little doggie or cause allergy, skin irritation or rash. Also, it has no plastic or metal parts outside that may wound teeth or gums of your American Staffordshire Terrier.
The skillful craftsmen choose durable jute material not only because of its natural stuff, but also because of its ability to save color and shape. Stitched edges, 2 strong padded handles and sturdy D-ring - all these parts are used in this dog supply to ensure its long-lasting service and your comfort while using it.
Take your chance and order this excellent dog gear that will be the first step to your furry friend’s success in bite training!